Thursday, September 25, 2008

good bye

I know it seems unbelievable, but here I am again, back from an inexcusably long absence. I know it seems like a weak excuse, but I’ve been busy. For instance, I’ve left my old tried-and-true job that I’ve had every summer (and sometimes longer) for the past five years, and Joel and I moved out of our apartment, and into a new apartment on the other side of the country in beautiful British Columbia (Canada, in case that was in question). I've been here for three weeks. It’s awesome here.

And now, finally, I’m ready to introduce the “new thing” that I’ve been alluding to for the past five or six months.

I’d like to introduce The Fancy Llama!! I have a whole new website now, as well as a new blog. The website is still a work in progress, with many completions and updates on the way over the next month. The blog, however, goes live today(!) and, that is where all my thoughts and news and blogginess will be found from now on. And so this is my official notice that I will no longer be updating The Life and Times of Princess Sunshine at all. Ever. Even once every six months. I will leave it online, though, for reference and for the memory and because I’m sentimental and don’t like getting rid of personal things.

So, that said, come on over and join me at The Fancy Llama. I will tell you all about it in the first entry of my new blog, The Llama Diaries.

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