Tuesday, January 08, 2008

the january '08 princess sunshine knits collection

I've decided to start my at-least-two-posts-a-week resolution now (since I didn't post at all last week...oops). Anyway, I'm kicking off this resolution with my second blog fashion show, featuring some of the presents I created for our handmade Christmas last month. Enjoy!

This is my bro Aaron and his hand-knit scarf made from 100% wool. I was going for British prep-school chic. I kind of wanted to keep it when it was done.

These are made from the left over wool from Aaron's scarf. They were created for my other bro Christopher and should be well suited to the northern Ontario winters that we know and love around these parts (of course, it is a lot easier to love winter with handmade wool socks, or so my thought process went). These are from a pattern in Lion Brand Yarn: Just Socks.

I sooo loved this bag for Joel's young cousin. It's made from 100% cotton, and it is 100% a Princess Sunshine original. I made the button from Sculpey. I would have kept this bag, except I didn't have time before Christmas to make a second one to give away. Oh well.

These are a variation from the Lion Brand pattern. My dad loves football, and the Kansas City Chiefs are his team. I wanted to make him some socks unlike any that could be found at even the biggest KC merchandise shop.

This bag for Joel's sister is based on a pattern from Emma King. I really liked this bag, too. I made it from bits and pieces of left over yarns, wool and cotton, so it had some cool textures going on, and the inside is lined with thrifted corduroy.

That ends the latest of my knitted projects...keep your eyes open for my first-ever clothing show (yes, that's right, I have finally learned how to sew!)

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