Wednesday, December 12, 2007

a burrito

So, it's almost 2008, and I've been thinking about my life. This happens every December, as I realize that time is passing and a new year is incredibly close to beginning. I usually get reflective about the past year, and then I think about the year to come and what it will bring with it. Except this year I don't know what to think about 2008. Every other year there's been at least one major event that I knew was going to happen. Last year, it was knowing that one way or another we were going to move out of Suburbia. The year before that it was me graduating college and getting married. The year before that it was...well, I can't remember, but I think you get the point.

Anyway, this time around I have no idea about the new year. As of right now, I, personally, have nothing planned. I am very excited for other people. Joel is starting a new job on January 1st (head graphic designer for a brand new newspaper...hurray!!) Christopher is hoping to live in an ecovillage in England for three months (I am so envious I might as well be green) Aaron is starting college in September, and I am, well, still here. And have no other plans.

I'm pretty psyched about this unusual event (or lack thereof). I need to start thinking about what I want to do, since, at least for the next little while, it doesn't look like I'll be moving or starting a new job or going anywhere or anything like that. Perhaps this is my big chance to do something cool and spectacular, to really buckle down and focus on something like I haven't done since college. I need a goal, a project, a proverbial Everest to climb! And right now I don't have a lot of ideas.

Perhaps I'll give this some thought and come back when I have something more specific in mind. There are a lot of possibilities paraphrase Weird Al, I feel like the world is my burrito!

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