Sunday, December 23, 2007

one idea

Well, here's one idea for 2008: I really want to start blogging more. I have at least three or four blog post ideas a day, and rarely get around to doing anything about them. How do people have time to post once a day, or more?? I would at least like to start posting consistently a couple times a week. That sounds manageable...maybe I should make it a goal and give it a try.

Resolution #1: blog at least twice a week (to start. I was going to say three times and then I chickened out at the last moment. Goals are great and everything, but I'd rather start small and work my way up).


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I check your blog almost everyday (there's nothing else to do on the internet!), and it'll be great to be greeted by new posts more consistently. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'll do it for you!